Laguna Golf Phuket

Thailand > Phuket 8.7 (Review 115) Add wishlist
Green fee 2,220THB~

Product detail

Basic Information

18 Holes / 71 Par / 6770 Yard
Mr.Max Waxler & David Abell
Opening Year
Distance and travel time from downtown
20 km / 40 min​​
Distance and travel time from the airport
20 km / 35 min
Optional Cart
Mandatory use / Available staff 1person / Fairway No entry ​​​​
Closed day
None ​
Equipment rental
Available / 1800.-(Titleist) THB , 300 THB , 150 THB , ​
Rounding persons per team
Weekday : 4 person / Weekend : 4 person​
Golf Cart , Driving Range , SwimmingPool , Tennis Court , Sauna , Fitness , Massage , Pro Shop , Hotel/Resort ​​​​​
Go to website

Holidays ※Saturdays and Sundays, holidays, Weekend rates applied.

  • 2025-04-14(Mon)~2025-04-16(Wed) / Songkran Day
  • 2025-04-07(Mon) / Substitution for Chakri Day
  • 2025-02-12(Wed) / Makha Bucha Holiday

Course layout

Score Card

Hole 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Out
H.S. 18 14 16 8 2 6 10 12 4 -
Champ 315 507 185 414 569 418 220 408 373 3409
Men 301 493 162 376 537 384 189 379 342 3163
Ladies 285 457 142 333 484 344 160 331 316 2894
Par 4 5 3 4 5 4 3 4 4 36
Hole 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 In Total
H.S. 1 11 7 13 15 5 17 3 9 - -
Champ 424 160 386 174 398 421 152 612 527 3254 6663
Men 400 137 369 156 371 401 135 585 503 3057 6220
Ladies 336 120 301 132 329 331 114 498 463 2624 5476
Par 4 3 4 3 4 4 3 5 5 35 71

Location Information

  • 34 Moo 4, Srisoonthorn Rd., Cherng Talay, Thalang, Phuket 83110

  • 076-324-350